led tv hertz rating image
Computer screens don't come in as big size as tvs do besides tv screens are usually cheaper.
What is the difference between an led tv and an led computer screen, any pros and cons with replacing a computer screen with a tv screen?. I think I remember something about the hertz rate using another scale, so even though it says 600 hertz on the tv it really means like 200 if you compare it to a computer screen... I might be completely off though....
Haha absolutely! It's becoming more and more common to replace computer monitors with televisions.
What you need to determine is what you will be using this for. Computer monitors GENERALLY (not always) have a lower response time. This means that if you plan on playing video games, you may want to tend towards a computer LED monitor. However, the obvious advantages to a TV over monitor are significant.
If you plan on watching a lot of movies, (especially if you're planning on purchasing an HDTV) I highly suggest the TV. Monitors (per square inch) are much more expensive (again, generally) than TVs.
Again, it depends on all sorts of things; TV's are great if you have a lot of space in your room and watch a lot of movies. Computer monitors are generally for gaming or Application usage (like Photoshop or music notation software).
As for the 600Hz, that is a common refresh frequency for Plasma televisions. Anything higher than 120Hz is "3DTV compatible"; my computer monitors are all 120Hz. It makes for smoother pictures.
If you plan on buying a TV, use Plasma televisions in low-light places (like basements or dens with little outdoor light), buy an LED-TV or LCD-TV for high-light places. Try to avoid televisions with a quality under 720p. Consider refresh rates, contrast ratios, and overall quality!
Haha absolutely! It's becoming more and more common to replace computer monitors with televisions.
What you need to determine is what you will be using this for. Computer monitors GENERALLY (not always) have a lower response time. This means that if you plan on playing video games, you may want to tend towards a computer LED monitor. However, the obvious advantages to a TV over monitor are significant.
If you plan on watching a lot of movies, (especially if you're planning on purchasing an HDTV) I highly suggest the TV. Monitors (per square inch) are much more expensive (again, generally) than TVs.
Again, it depends on all sorts of things; TV's are great if you have a lot of space in your room and watch a lot of movies. Computer monitors are generally for gaming or Application usage (like Photoshop or music notation software).
As for the 600Hz, that is a common refresh frequency for Plasma televisions. Anything higher than 120Hz is "3DTV compatible"; my computer monitors are all 120Hz. It makes for smoother pictures.
If you plan on buying a TV, use Plasma televisions in low-light places (like basements or dens with little outdoor light), buy an LED-TV or LCD-TV for high-light places. Try to avoid televisions with a quality under 720p. Consider refresh rates, contrast ratios, and overall quality!
Is it possible to install a device to a tv with only 60 hertz in order to make it 120 hertz?
Steve S
I have a toshiba 40 inch led 60 hertz refresh rate.
No. And don't worry about it. 120hz does not give you better contrast ratio, color, shadow detail, off angle viewing etc. It also causes other problems like massive response time lag, and artifacts because the frames it creates are not real. Just enjoy the TV that you have.
No. And don't worry about it. 120hz does not give you better contrast ratio, color, shadow detail, off angle viewing etc. It also causes other problems like massive response time lag, and artifacts because the frames it creates are not real. Just enjoy the TV that you have.
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